Fascinating Facts About Queensland That You Should Know

Queensland is the second-largest state in Australia, spreading across about 1,729,742 square kilometres. As for the population, it is considered the third-most populous state in the country. Queensland is home to around 4.5 million people. It is located in the Australian continent’s northeast, occupying about 22.5 per cent of the total area. The state’s people… Continue reading Fascinating Facts About Queensland That You Should Know

Nurturing Innovation: Brisbane’s First Tech Startup Hub

The capital of Queensland is one of the most thriving cities with a booming image of a tech hub. In the past few years, Brisbane has seen a sudden surge in the percentage of startups and IT companies that are boosting the landscape of innovation. This happened after the establishment of Brisbane’s first tech startup… Continue reading Nurturing Innovation: Brisbane’s First Tech Startup Hub

Building Iconic Landmarks: Queensland’s First Skyscrapers

When you visit the sunshine state of Queensland in Australia you will see stunning natural landscapes and vibrant cities. Over the years, the state has witnessed remarkable urban development, including the construction of iconic skyscrapers that have become symbols of modernity and progress. Here you can explore the fascinating story behind Queensland’s first skyscrapers, tracing… Continue reading Building Iconic Landmarks: Queensland’s First Skyscrapers

The Ultimate Timeline of Sunshine Coast Firsts – Part 2

Sunshine Coast has an extensive history and has always been a prominent part of Queensland. Originally named Near North Coast, the city is the third largest metropolitan of the state. Back in 1820, this region was home to runaway convicts. There are many other exciting and interesting facts about Sunshine Coast that every resident and… Continue reading The Ultimate Timeline of Sunshine Coast Firsts – Part 2

The Ultimate Timeline of Sunshine Coast Firsts – Part 1 – Queensland Firsts

Sunshine Coast is one of the most popular and populous cities of Queensland. The area is reckoned for its stunning coastline of scenic beaches, beautiful weather and friendly people. The city is also known for its great food, multiple tourist spots and the hinterland. However, history of Sunshine Coast is lesser known. Thus, here is… Continue reading The Ultimate Timeline of Sunshine Coast Firsts – Part 1 – Queensland Firsts

The First Inhabitants of Gold Coast

Did you know that the first inhabitants of the beautiful Gold Coast region in Queensland were the Aboriginal group, the Kombumerri? These first inhabitants spoke the Yugambeh language of the region and were hunters and gatherers by profession. The Kombumerri tribal group lived on the Gold Coast for over 23,000 years, and many of their… Continue reading The First Inhabitants of Gold Coast

The Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant

The Queensland Government is known for always considering its people’s benefits, especially regarding housing. Therefore, it has Queensland First Home Owner’s Grant, an initiative to make owning their first home easier and quicker for the state’s residents. The grant was first introduced in 2000, and since then, its amount has varied. Many people have used… Continue reading The Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant

Historical Firsts and Milestones of Queensland Women

Women have contributed to the history of queensland  by doing several things for the first time and paving the way for today’s young generation. Noting the contribution of these women is essential to celebrate their lives today and remember how they helped make society more equal. Thus, here are historical firsts and milestones of Queensland Women… Continue reading Historical Firsts and Milestones of Queensland Women

Queensland’s Remarkable Events & Firsts In Its 162 Years

Around 162 years ago, Queen Victoria signed the Letters Patent and made Queensland separate from New South Wales. The state has been a hub of political and social activities that make Queensland what it is today. It has witnessed numerous milestones since its establishment, which is why its history, culture and heritage are so rich.… Continue reading Queensland’s Remarkable Events & Firsts In Its 162 Years

Important Firsts Of Queensland Electoral & Parliamentary History

Today the electorates and parliament in Queensland are important aspects of its governance. Since the first elections in 1860, the state has witnessed the occurrence of several events that changed history and led to the governance and elections in modern times. Let’s explore the important firsts of Queensland’s electoral and parliamentary history.   The first sitting in… Continue reading Important Firsts Of Queensland Electoral & Parliamentary History

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