The Ultimate Timeline of Sunshine Coast Firsts – Part 2

Sunshine Coast has an extensive history and has always been a prominent part of Queensland. Originally named Near North Coast, the city is the third largest metropolitan of the state. Back in 1820, this region was home to runaway convicts. There are many other exciting and interesting facts about Sunshine Coast that every resident and tourist must know. Thus, here is the ultimate timeline of Sunshine Coast firsts part 2. Read on…
Caloundra’s First Postal Delivery
In 1946, the first postal deliveries in the region started in December. Two deliveries were made on weekdays and one on Saturday.
First Newspaper
Caloundra is one of the biggest regions of Sunshine Coast and it has witnessed significant development and first. Therefore, it isn’t surprising the first newspaper in Sunshine Coast was also here. It was launched in 1947 and known as the Caloundra Topic. It costed one penny or cent a piece.
Caravan Park
Byerlee’s Caravan Park named Tooway opened in 1948 and it was the first in Queensland. It is reckoned for being high standard.
Officially Named Sunshine Coast
It wasn’t until the early 1960s that Near North Coast officially became Sunshine Coast. The new name was launched in 1958 at the Real Estate Institute of Queensland dinner. It happened because Near North Coast wasn’t suitable or distinct enough.
Since the name change was topic for debate and took 8 years. The name was officially gazetted in July 1967 and came into effect from 1st August 1967.
First Fire Brigade Building
Premier Frank Nicklin was the first and new fire brigade building in Caloundra in 1966.
Severe Cyclone
In 1972, the Sunshine Coast was rocked by the Cyclone Wendy in the first week of February. It damaged the Kawana Beach stretch excessively.
First Public Library
The first library in Caloundra opened on 15th October 1976. It is situated in Felicity Park and its first shire librarian was Dawn Maddern.
First Electric Train
The first electric train was launched from Brisbane to Landsborough in 1988. It was a welcome addition to the train system of Sunshine Coast.
First Female Party Leader
It wasn’t until 1991 that first liberal female became a party leader in Queensland. It was Caloundra resident and president Joan Sheldon. It was a significant event in the electoral and parliamentary history of Queensland.
Amalgamation of Sunshine Coast
It was in 2008 that the councils of Noosa Shire, Caloundra City and Maroochy Shire agreed to form an amalgamated Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
First Mayor of Amalgamated Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Bob Abbott was voted and elected the first mayor of the newly amalgamated Sunshine Coast Regional Council in 2008.
Other Sunshine Coast Facts
Yandina is one of the oldest towns of Sunshine Coast and it is also considered the first. What’s more, it is believed that 3 castaways were the first white inhabitants of the city. They were runaways from the nearby Brisbane (then known as Moreton Bay) Colony.
Sunshine Coast wasn’t the big tourist destination it is today back in the 1800s. It’s first industries were timber and cattle.
When the region officially became Sunshine Coast, it started transforming into a known tourist destination of Queensland. Other interesting facts about the region are listed as follows.
- Over the years, there have been multiple UFO sighting at the Glass Mountains of Sunshine Coast. Therefore, it became the hot spot for UFO research in Queensland since 1956.
- From being a convict colony, Sunshine Coast today is home to celebrities, industrialists and many prominent personalities.
- A fun story stemming from the region is of John Graham, an Irishman who was convicted and ran away from the Penal Colony of Moreton Bay. He wanted to sail to China and avoid the Aboriginal people. As fate would have it, he ended up in an Aboriginal Village and lived there for 6 years. The amusing part of this story is that the villagers thought he was a ghost!
Sunshine Coast is the region where you can get modern amenities and a great tourist experience. Thus, if you are a resident or going to the region for a job, new home or travel, make sure to know everything about its history and firsts.
Also, explore the Queensland Firsts website to know more interesting things.