Ten Firsts of the 1800s That Contributed to the Creation of the State of Queensland!

Since the Europeans first laid eyes on Queensland in the 1600s, the state has witnessed many things like initially being part of New South Wales colony, getting its name after Queen Victoria and much more. Today, it is one of the most popular, populous, and thriving cities of Australia. The city has excellent infrastructure, third-largest economy, good education facilities, Medicare, and a lot to offer. The history of Queensland is rich like the state. Read on to know ten firsts in the 1800s that contributed to the creation of the state!
Separation from New South Wales
Not many people know that Queensland was originally a part of the New South Wales colony founded by Arthur Philip in 1770. However, it was separated in the year 1859 after Queen Victoria signed the Letters to Patent to make the Queensland colony.
Annexed a Foreign Nation
In the year 1880s, the British Government made New Guinea a British protectorate with Australian colonies and formal Australian administration started in 1906.
Discovery of Darling Downs
In 1827, the Darling Downs was discovered by reckoned botanist Allan Cullingham. He also found a gap between the Great Dividing Range that allows access from Brisbane to Darling Downs.
First Streamer Enters Moreton Bay
When explorer Andrew Petrie arrived on ‘James Watt’ with his wife and children, it was the first streamer to enter Moreton Bay.
Moreton Bay Courier is Published
The state’s first newspaper was published in 1846 as the Moreton Bay Courier which is currently known as The Courier Mail. Other names of the paper have been The Courier and Brisbane Courier.
Ipswich Herald is published
Today known as The Queensland Times, its first issue was released in 1859 as Ipswich Herald. It is the oldest provincial newspaper still publishing in the state.
Municipality of Brisbane is Proclaimed
In 1859, the Municipality of Brisbane was proclaimed and the first elections for Brisbane Council were held. The first mayor is chosen was John Petrie.
First Governor Arrives
After the separation of Queensland from New South Wales and it becoming an independent colony, the first governor Sir George Ferguson Bowen arrived in 1859 with his wife.
Parliament Sits
In an historic event, in 1860, the first parliament of the state of Queensland sat. Since then, the parliament has witnessed many elections and ministers.
First Elections are Conducted
The first ever elections in Queensland were conducted in 1860 and Robert George Wyndham Herbert assumed the post of First Premier on 22 may.
The Bottom Line
The history and list of first of Queensland is vast and the above mentioned things are just ten of them. But, knowing about these milestones is necessary to understand the rich background of the wonderful state of Queensland.
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